Tuesday 8 May 2007


In my opinion abortion is something really bad that people go ahead with because to me it's killing a baby even though some people say that it is not a baby when women have an abortion but i believe that it is a baby as soon as it is conceived so therefore it is killing a baby. If a woman doesn't want a baby and goes ahead with an abortion then she should have been more careful in the first place rather than killing a baby and damaging her womb because with an abortion it damages a wmans inside so why go through all this when there are so many ways that prevents a woman from becoming pregnant and in todays time there is contraception available whereas back in time it wasn't available or was limited. I understand if a woman is in a situation where she has no choice but to go through an abortion then that should be only due the really bad and helpless circumstances that one has to face such decision but otherwise people who have no difficult circumstances to face shouldn't be allowed to go through an abortion. The two links explain more about abortion, the disadvantages and the advantages.


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